Prenatal Massage: What is it?

Prenatal massage near Lancaster, PA

Prenatal Massage is regular massage, just customized to meet the needs of pregnancy and the bodily changes it entails. We will treat your sore muscles, promote circulation, and keep you mobile. As pregnancy progresses, it is normal to experience discomfort in your neck, shoulders, low back, and hips. Over time you will also experience a change in center of gravity, which can result in discomfort. Your massage will be customized throughout your pregnancy to meet those changes as they arise and to ensure your continued comfort.

Who Can Get Prenatal Massage?

Prenatal massage is appropriate at any time throughout your pregnancy. We’ve treated women from the beginning of their pregnancy all the way up to their due date. After the first trimester, massage is performed side lying with a body pillow to keep you safe and comfortable. By taking advantage of Prenatal Massage throughout your pregnancy, you will be better able to manage stress and bodily discomfort, resulting in benefits to both you and your baby.

What are the Benefits of Prenatal Massage?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, a research study shows prenatal massage therapy can help reduce the following:

  • Lower stress levels

  • Improved mood

  • Fewer sore muscles

  • Greater mobility

How Often Should You Get Prenatal Massage?

Each pregnancy is unique and comes with its own requirements, but here are some general guidelines. During the first trimester, get a monthly massage, with more frequency if desired. By the second trimester, it begins to be beneficial to come twice a month. During the last few weeks of pregnancy, weekly appointments are suggested. These are just general guidelines, and actual frequency would be discussed when you come in for a visit. The frequency of your massages will be adjusted as your pregnancy progresses.


60 min - $110

90 min - $148

120 min - $180