Deep Tissue Massage: What is it?

Deep tissue massage in Lancaster, PA

Deep Tissue Massage uses firm pressure that works down into the muscle layers, connective tissues, and joints. Where Swedish Massage is focused on relaxation and circulation using lighter/shallower strokes, Deep Tissue Massage works to break down adhesions, release muscle tension, and promote positive structural change. By treating the muscle connections throughout the body, it promotes structural alignment and relieves stress on joints. As stated above, Deep Tissue Massage is less focused on relaxation and more on its therapeutic effect.

What are the Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage?

According Deep Tissue Massage has many health benefits, through its focus on the overall body structure. The benefits you receive will differ depending on your specific needs, but below are just a few benefits you may experience:

  • Break up of muscle knots

  • Relieve chronic pain

  • Break up scar tissue

  • Improve blood flow

  • Promote faster healing

  • Promote optimal bodily function and movement

  • All natural pain relief

  • Break down adhesions

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Relieve muscle tension

  • Lower stress hormone levels (cortisol)

  • Increase range of motion

Who Should Get a Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage is ideal for someone seeking therapeutic massage to treat tight muscles and both acute and chronic pain. Deep Tissue Massage works to break up knots and adhesions, promote mobility, and relieve the long term effects of stress. If you have had a tight muscle that just won’t let go, no matter what you try, Deep Tissue Massage may be the solution. Please keep in mind, Deep Tissue Massage may involve some discomfort during treatment, so feel free to let us know if the pressure is too much for you.

Conditions That Deep Tissue Massage Treat:

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Whiplash

  • Sciatica

  • Headaches

  • Tennis/Golf Elbow

  • Rotator Cuff Injuries

  • Hip Flexor Strain

  • Impingements

How Often Should I Get a Deep Tissue Massage?

The optimal frequency of Deep Tissue Massage depends on the client. If you are seeking relief from an acute or chronic condition, more frequent treatment will help with the healing process. If you are an active person who regularly pushes their body, more frequently is recommended. Generally, we advise coming every 1-2 weeks while trying to treat an active issue or while under daily stressors. If you are only looking to maintain the gains you have already achieved, 4-5 weeks is usually an appropriate frequency.


60 min - $110

90 min - $148

120 min - $180